Section 66 : Expenses and incomes for interest in retirement fund:
1) The expenses incurred for any property remaining as the interest of any natural person in any retirement fund have to include the followings amounts:-

a) All retirement contributions made by the natural person in respect of the interest, and

b) Where tax has been paid from the fund pursuant to Sub-section (3) of Section 64, the amounts included in the incomes for that property pursuant to Subsection (2) during the period from the date when the fund got approval as a retirement fund to the date when the recognition ceased to exist.

Provided that, the above-mentioned amounts shall not be included in the expenses referred to in Section 38.

2) The incomes for any property remaining as an interest of any person in any approved retirement fund have to include the exemptions claimed by that person pursuant to Sub-section (2) of Section 63 for the retirement contributions made in respect of that interest.